
Showing posts from 2012

Something New and Real

So, I've been thinking about starting a blog for a long time. Some ask me why, others can't believe I haven't done it yet. The thing is, I'm generally a pretty private person.. only want others to know what's on the surface or what I feel like telling them. I've recently learned it's a protective quality and it's not good. I'm really a pretty great person if I say so, but my reservation and distance might be easily mistaken as cold, lonely, sad, or pathetic. See how quickly I can spin into a ultra beotch?! Well, here we are it's 2012 and I'm finally, in my mind, almost "back to normal" after about a 15 year hiatus. I'm looking forward to sharing life as I know it with those I love the most. What I know today is the time, determination, family and friendship are what have held me together as I glued back the parts on my own. No one can do it for you, but you need them there to hand you the parts, daily reminders that you are whol