
Showing posts from December, 2014

This is Life

Yet another year is preparing to close the door to the most recent chapter of this book of life. All I can do is wonder, how do we really pass our time? The years go faster, the hours become days, weeks then months have disappeared in our rearview mirror without much awareness of where our precious moments have gone. My moments are so precious. There's never enough time, but why do I continue to let it pass so absent mindedly? Without intention and purpose, it just fades into history.  I was reminded in an abrupt jolt having lost yet another family member unexpectedly. Death is waiting for all of us. It's the one truth I know about life. I've had so many of these reminders, yet I fall victim to the fleeting hours of the days and the "normal" routine that I too forget to stand fully present in the moments, the memories that will soon be forgotten and the meaning behind this one and only life. It was supposed to be the year. I'd started making some shifts, got